John's Natural Dog Training

Rancho Santa Fe's Most Trusted Dog Trainer and Canine Behavior Specialist

Serving Rancho Santa Fe, California, since 1990, John Rubin has been providing professional dog training services and has helped tens of thousands of satisfied clients and their dogs. He pioneered the "natural approach" to dog obedience training and set the standards that many of Rancho Santa Fe's best dog trainers use today.

Our Methods

Our Vision

John's philosophy of how to train dogs began to form when he moved from my home town of St. Louis to Indiana in the 1980's. He volunteered at a local animal shelter and had the pleasure of meeting and working with many dedicated animal advocates. He also began working on a friends farm where his love of herding dogs began. What those dogs taught John actually made him the dog trainer he is today.

Motivating, gentle, positive, loving, firm and effective - We listen to the needs of the dog and the people they own who love them dearly.

Our Mission

We have had the good fortune to be able to with dogs of all breeds and temperaments. We work with many rescues/shelter dogs, fearful dogs and highly reactive or aggressive dogs. We are also blessed to work with very young pups, first-time owners as well as experienced owners. This is why our methods and techniques have been so effective for over twenty years. Our focus is to know what each dogs needs to be the best dog possible!

Since 1990 we've been focusing on eliminating the theory of disposable dog ownership. Every dog deserves a forever home!


Need Help Fast?

We offer full customer care and support. Please contact us if you need assistance: 877-447-8597. John can be quickly reached at 858-395-0050.